10 Essential Tips For Successful Outsourcing To The Philippines

10 Essential Tips For Successful Outsourcing To The Philippines

Outsourcing is now a key component of modern business planning since it allows organisations to access specialised skills and resources abroad. Businesses that outsource have access to a wide range of specialised resources and skills that would otherwise be difficult to obtain internally.

And the Philippines has emerged as a prominent outsourcing destination, cementing its role as a critical centre across multiple industries. 


Why outsource in the Philippines

The Philippines has emerged as a key player in the global outsourcing scene, because of its significant contributions to a variety of industries.

It further stands out among other outsourcing locations because it has the ability to provide skilled individuals, cost-effective solutions, and a welcoming business environment receptive to international collaboration, among others. 


outsourcing in the philippines - talent

1. Exceptional talent

The Philippines’ exceptional talent sets it apart from other outsourcing locations. The country is proud of its skilled workforce, which not only excels in a wide variety of sectors but is also very flexible to the changing needs of the global market. 

This flexibility is essential to ensuring that outsourced jobs are completed precisely and effectively, perfectly integrating with the goals of the customer.


2. Cost-effective

The Philippines’ status as an outsourcing hub is enhanced by its cost-effective solutions. Because of the country’s comparatively low labour expenses, companies can save significantly without sacrificing work quality. 

This financial advantage is especially appealing to businesses that want to cut operational costs while maintaining strong productivity levels.


3. Hospitable business environment

The Philippines has a very hospitable business environment that supports beneficial collaborations between international partners. 

The country’s pro-business policies and regulatory framework facilitate the creation of successful outsourcing relationships. This friendly environment is an important aspect of the seamless integration of outsourced activities with the client’s overall company plan.


4. Time Difference 

The time difference is a crucial factor in outsourcing partnerships, affecting communication effectiveness. The Philippines shares the same time zone as Perth and being two hours behind major Australian cities like Brisbane, Melbourne, and Sydney, enables seamless interaction across distances. 

Additionally, this time zone alignment allows businesses to work during Australian holidays, ensuring operational continuity and minimising downtime for a smoother workflow.


5. Language

The Philippines boasts a high English language proficiency rate, with approximately over 90% of its population being proficient in English. This widespread usage ensures a minimal language barrier when engaging with Filipinos.

Furthermore, Filipinos are recognised for their excellent communication skills, excelling in both written and oral aspects, making them well-suited for effective interactions in English.


6. Excellent Work Ethics

Filipinos exhibit professionalism and excellent work ethics in their approach to day to day tasks and projects. They value punctuality, honesty and integrity at work. 

Filipinos are also hardworking, dependable and responsible making them valuable assets to any outsourcing company. Moreover, their workplace demeanour is characterised by profound respect for superiors and colleagues, building a harmonious and respectful work environment.


why outsource in the philippines

Essential tips and strategies when outsourcing in the Philippines

Offshoring has become a crucial strategy for multinational corporations, and the Philippines stands out as a key offshoring hub thanks to its unique combination of economic viability, trained labour and cultural familiarity. 

Whether you’re an experienced business owner or just starting in the outsourcing industry, successfully navigating this dynamic industry requires a thorough plan. 

Thus, here are some in-depth approaches and recommendations when outsourcing in the Philippines.


1. Know your needs and business goals

One of the first things you should do before embracing the outsourcing trend is to carefully examine your needs. 

Determine which areas of your organisation deserve the most assistance. Are you looking to improve your financial operations or recruitment processes? Do you need help with customer service or perhaps website development? 

Examine your short- and long-term goals, as well as the outcomes you hope to achieve by outsourcing. 

Before commencing the outsourcing path, you must clearly define your business objectives as well as the precise duties you wish to delegate. 

Whether your goal is to streamline processes, cut expenses, or gain access to specialised skills, creating a well-defined plan is essential. 

You will be better positioned to outsource responsibilities if you outline your objectives and clearly define the specific responsibilities you intend to outsource.


2. Establish communication

Successful outsourcing is built on strong communication. Establish a communication strategy that works for all parties to overcome any challenges that time zone variations may provide. 

Regular meetings, progress reports, and precise documentation are necessary, to keep everyone on the same page and deal with any possible difficulties as soon as they arise.


3. Recognise cultural disparities

Relationships that result in effective outsourcing depend greatly on cultural sensitivity. It will be easier to establish rapport and a sense of shared understanding with your outsourced workforce if you take the time to learn about local customs, holidays, and communication methods, among others.


4. Offer training 

It’s essential to offer thorough training and precise instructions when outsourcing. Although the Philippines has a highly skilled labour population, each company has its own specific procedures and demands. Putting money into training makes sure that your outsourced crew is aware of the principles, objectives, and operating practices of your business.


5. Utilise technology

Utilise technology to improve communication and close the gap in location. The contact between your internal team and the offshore staff in the Philippines can be streamlined with the help of communication tools, project management software, and video conferencing platforms. This promotes efficiency and transparency during the outsourcing process.


6. Track progress

Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor performance in order to assess the success of your outsourcing agreement. Review these KPIs frequently in order to evaluate the performance of the contracted team and pinpoint areas for development. Open communication about KPIs and performance expectations makes sure that everyone is working together to achieve shared objectives.


7. Promote a positive work environment

Encourage a productive workplace environment for your contracted workforce. Acknowledge their contributions, offer helpful criticism, and foster an inclusive environment that values their viewpoints. This strategy improves production and teamwork in addition to morale.


8. Evaluate data security

When outsourcing, data security is of the highest priority, especially when transmitting sensitive information. Verify that your outsourcing partner complies with global data protection regulations and strict data security measurements. Confidentiality agreements and regular inspections might help secure your proprietary information.


9. Be flexible and adaptive

Since outsourcing requires a long-term commitment, gains might not be seen right away. Be patient and give your outsourced crew enough time to adjust to your processes and standards. Continue to be adaptable and willing to make changes in response to criticism and shifting company requirements.


10. Select the best outsourcing partner

Perhaps the most significant phase in the process is choosing the best outsourcing partner. Finding the correct outsourcing partner needs extensive research and deliberation. 

A successful outsourcing company engagement requires a partner who shares your sector emphasis, has a proven track record, and provides a full array of services. 

It is also critical to build effective communication routes that span time zones. 

Conduct research into any potential outsourcing partners, taking into account things like experience, customer references, and the scope of services they provide.


Looking for an outsourcing provider in the Philippines?

Choosing the correct service and outsourcing company can be critical to the security, sustainability, and profitability of your organisation.

That is why, we at SOS Global Smarter Outsourcing Solutions provide a seamless outsourcing process for businesses of all sizes and industries. We help you get your outsourcing team up and running with priority support and assistance every step of the way. 

Contact us for a free discussion of our outsourcing solutions and special offers today. Contact 1300 020 280 and sales@sosglobal.com.au