Is Outsourcing Your Call Center Right for Your Company?

Is Outsourcing Your Call Center Right for Your Company?

Do you need someone to handle customer inquiries? How about someone who can handle your customer service department? 

Call centers are a great way to manage large volumes of customer interactions. They enable companies to offer 24/7 support, enhancing customer accessibility and convenience.

However, running your in-house call center can be resource-intensive and challenging. That is why a lot of businesses are outsourcing their call center with other companies. 

But outsourcing is not for every business. And if you are thinking if it is the right move for your company, here are some advantages and disadvantages that you need to consider to make an informed decision. 


benefits of outsourcing your callcenter

Benefits of Outsourcing Call Centers

Outsourcing call centers can provide a lot of cons that can help you grow your business. Here are some of them:


1. Cost Savings

One of the main reasons why businesses outsource their call centers is the big savings that they can get. They can save as much as 50% to 70% from expenses such as salaries, benefits, technology, infrastructure, training, among others. 


2. Access to Expertise 

Outsourcing companies providing call center services are often equipped with the latest technology. They also have professionals who are trained to specialise in customer service. This can lead to improved service quality and efficiency. With outsourcing, you get to stay competitive in your industry by having experts and the right technology for your business. 


3. Scalability

Another best thing about outsourcing your call center is you can easily scale your operations based on your needs. You can scale up or down depending on seasonal spikes in call volumes or rapid business growth. Your outsourcing provider can easily adjust their resources to fit your needs and requirements. 


4. Focus on Core Business Activities

By having an outsourced call center, you don’t have to worry about recruitment, training, and managing your team. Your outsourcing provider will do that for you so you can focus more on core business activities such as more strategic business initiatives and revenue-generating activities. 


5. Multilingual Support

Outsourcing companies often provide multilingual support. This enables you to serve a diverse customer base more effectively. This is particularly advantageous if your company offers international operations or has plans for global expansion. 


Challenges of Outsourcing Call Centers

To be able to gauge if outsourcing call center is for you, here are some of the challenges that you also need to consider:


1. Loss of Control

One of the challenges of outsourcing call centers is loss of control over the customer service process. While reputable providers work closely with their clients to ensure alignment with brand values and customer service standards, it can still be challenging to maintain the same level of control as with an in-house team. That is why it is important to work closely with your provider to ensure that everything aligns with your business. 


2. Communication Issues

When you outsource, you will be working with a company from a different country. This can lead to cultural and communication challenges. Time zone differences, language barriers, and cultural differences can impact the effectiveness of the collaboration.


3. Quality Concerns

Ensuring consistent service quality is vital. If the outsourcing partner fails to meet expectations, it can lead to customer dissatisfaction. That is why it is important to select an outsourcing provider with a strong track record and robust quality assurance processes.


4. Security Risks

Handling customer data comes with significant responsibility. When outsourcing, there’s a risk of data breaches or non-compliance with data protection regulations. It’s essential to choose a provider with stringent security measures and compliance certifications. You also need to review your contract and service level agreements (SLAs) to know the type of data, information and services being used. 


Now that you know the pros and cons of outsourcing your call center, here are the key considerations that you need to know before outsourcing. 


Key Considerations Before Outsourcing


1. Evaluate Your Needs

Before outsourcing your call center, it is important to assess your requirements, including call volume, complexity and the specific skills you need. Understanding your needs will help you choose the right outsourcing partner as well as draft contracts and agreements that match your requirements. 


2. Research Providers

Don’t just pick providers on a whim. Thoroughly research potential outsourcing providers. Look for those with positive reviews, relevant experience, and strong security protocols. Request case studies and references to gauge their performance. It is also good if you can talk and consult them if they can really meet your requirements. 


3. Define Clear KPIs

Establish clear key performance indicators (KPIs) and service level agreements (SLAs) to ensure your expectations are met. Regularly monitor and review performance to address any issues promptly. This is very important as this can be your basis if you will renew our not with your provider. 


4. Ensure Alignment

Finally, work closely with your outsourcing provider to ensure their call center agents understand your brand, products, and services. Regular training and communication are vital to maintain alignment and service quality.


Outsourcing your call center can offer substantial benefits, including cost savings, access to expertise, and scalability. However, it also comes with challenges like loss of control and potential quality issues. 

By carefully evaluating your needs, researching providers, and establishing clear KPIs, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your company’s goals. 

Ultimately, whether outsourcing is the right choice depends on your specific circumstances and priorities.


Industries that can benefit from outsourcing call centers


Industries that can benefit from outsourcing call centers

Still not convinced if outsourcing call centers is for you? Here are the industries and companies that need call center services. 


1. Retail and E-commerce

Retail and e-commerce businesses often experience seasonal fluctuations when it comes to call volumes. The good thing about outsourcing call centers for retail and e-commerce business is that you can easily scale up during peak shopping seasons like holidays and sales events. On the other hand, you also have the flexibility to scale down during quieter periods or lean months. Offering around-the-clock support can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, especially for international customers in different time zones.


2. Healthcare

Another industry that can benefit from outsourcing call centers is healthcare companies. Outsourced call centers can handle appointment scheduling, prescription refills, and patient inquiries, allowing healthcare providers to focus on delivering care.


3. Financial Services

Financial services companies can also benefit from outsourcing call centers as they can help reduce operational costs associated with handling high call volumes and managing complex customer inquiries. Specialised call centers can provide knowledgeable support for financial products and services, enhancing customer experience.


4. Telecommunications

Outsourced call centers can provide technical support for a range of services, from troubleshooting issues to setting up new accounts. Efficient handling of customer inquiries and complaints can improve satisfaction and even retention rates.


5. Travel and Hospitality

Outsourced call centers can manage bookings, cancellations, and inquiries, providing seamless customer experiences. Offering round-the-clock support is vital in the travel industry, where customers may require assistance at any time. Knowing that someone is ready to assist 24/7 can help you boost sales and grow your travel business. 


6. Technology

Outsourced call centers can provide expert technical support for software and hardware products, ensuring timely resolution of issues. Handling pre-sales inquiries and providing detailed product information can enhance customer acquisition. Furthermore, great customer service can also boost customer retention. 


7. Utilities

Another thing that outsourced call centers do is manage billing inquiries, service requests, and outage reports, ensuring efficient service delivery. Providing rapid response to emergencies and service disruptions can improve customer trust and satisfaction.


8. Real Estate

Outsourced call centers can handle inquiries from potential buyers and tenants, scheduling appointments and providing property information. Providing ongoing support for property management and maintenance issues can enhance tenant satisfaction.


These are just some of the industries that can benefit from outsourcing call centers. With outsourcing, these industries and companies can experience high cost savings, flexibility and scalability, as well as access to specialised expertise.


On the other, it is also important for companies to carefully consider the challenges and select outsourcing partners that align with their specific needs and values. By doing so, businesses can enhance their customer service capabilities and focus on their core competencies, driving overall growth and success.

We, at SOS Global Smarter Outsourcing Solutions can help you get started. We have expert call center agents that can be part of your team. We are an Australian-owned company that is why we know and understand your needs and requirements when it comes to establishing call centers. We also have robust technology and infrastructure so you are assured that you are ahead of your industry. Lastly, we have flexible packages so we can customise our services to meet your business needs. 

Book a free and no-obligation discussion with us and explore our special limited time offer!